DATE: 6/21/17 TITLE: TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT DIRECTOR: MICHAEL BAY STARRING: MARK WAHLBERG, LAURA HADDOCK, ISABELA MONER, ANTHONY HOPKINS, JOSH DUHAMEL, COMMENTSOk. Here's the thing. I did not walk out of The Last Knight, with the same seething hatred I had for both Revenge of the Fallen, or Age of Extinction. After some serious thought, I feel the same about this incarnation, as I did about Dark of the Moon. In short, it's an improvement over the last one. However, that being said, it's not saying much. The Last Knight, is not a great film. However, there are moments that I did genuinely enjoy. Whenever the Transformers are alone on screen, particularly Optimus Prime, I had some fun with the film. There's a little bit of life, that permeates throughout, unlike Revenge of the Fallen, or Age of Extinction. While I still left having no fucking idea what the hell was happening, there's no denying that final sequence, is great summer spectacle. And there are some interesting action sequences, even if the majority suffer from Bayitis. The human characters, are what they are. I really enjoyed Anthony Hopkins in this. He's chewing all the scenery he can. I also didn't hate Wahlberg this time around, so that should count for something. And I enjoyed the young Isabela Moner as well. Bottom line, The Last Knight is not great. It's not particularly good either. And it's shorter than the last film. So, that's good. If you like this franchise, then you should like this one.
DATE: 6/16/17 TITLE: 47 METERS DOWN DIRECTOR: JOHANNES ROBERTS STARRING: MANDY MOORE, CLAIRE HOLT, MATTHEW MODINE, CHRIS JOHNSON COMMENTSWhile 47 Meters Down suffers from a plethora of problems, the flick manages to swim away mostly entertaining. Director Johannes Roberts, crafts something out of literally nothing here. Mandy Moore, and Claire Holt, just aren't strong enough for us to really care what happens to them. However, I'm not exactly sure if it is entirely their fault, or the skinny script, which is the problem. The duo are mostly left to shouting names, or breathing heavily, which can be grating over time. There is also a repetitive problem with the film. The same thing tends to happen more than once, and it gets annoying. Nevertheless, there are a few sequences which are sure to entertain. The CGI sharks, are a huge letdown too, but I like how they are used here. 47 Meters Down, is one of those flicks that gets worse, the more time one has to ruminate on it. Like, that boyfriend subplot, which was useless. I mean, why? Anyway, it's an entertaining, but quickly forgettable film.
DATE: 6/9/17 TITLE: THE MUMMY DIRECTOR: ALEX KURTZMAN STARRING: TOM CRUISE, SOPHIA BOUTELLA, ANNABELLE WALLIS, JAKE JOHNSON, RUSSELL CROWE COMMENTSEvery year, there are a few films I vehemently disagree with critics on. In this day and age, there is no in between when it comes to film criticism. Something is either garbage, or the greatest thing since Jebus created the heavens. While The Mummy isn't perfect, it is a lot of fun. Sure, it has some scripting problems; and the second act, which I will forever call the "Exposition Act", almost halts the film entirely. However, with the problems it does have, I found The Mummy to ooze charm. I love the cast here. Everyone is having FUN, and it shows. You could tell Tom Cruise, had a blast making this movie, and it was great to see him sort of play against type. That energy, leaped off the screen for me, and I was swept up in its sandstorm of cheese. Sofia Boutella, is great as Ahmanet, and Russell Crowe, is chewing every bit of scenery he can. I'm glad the film is doing well overseas, and the concept of Universal's Dark Universe may not be lost entirely. I really want to see where this goes. Yes, the film has problems, but those problems never amounted to catastrophic for me, as some would have you believe. Through the turbulence, The Mummy is still a fun time at the summer cinema.
DATE: 6/2/16 TITLE: WONDER WOMAN DIRECTOR: PATTY JENKINS STARRING: GAL GADOT, CHRIS PINE, DANNY HUSTON, DAVID THEWLIS, CONNIE NELSON, ROBIN WRIGHT, ELENA ANAYA Wonder Woman is fantastic entertainment. Not just from a comic book movie perspective, but from a sheer cinema perspective. The film packs an intriguing story, wrapped around World War I, which in and of itself, is a unique setting. Big kudos to director Patty Jenkins, who delivered a comic book movie, which transcends the genre. Wonder Woman, is actually a character study. And I'm not just talking about Diana Prince. This is a character study about the human race; the horrors we are capable of, but also the hope and goodness we are capable of. There is some spectacular action set-pieces in here, as is to be expected. However, what really shines, are the quieter character moments, we get between Diana, and Steve Trevor. Gadot and Pine, have magnificent chemistry together, and both are a delight to watch. The film does have some slow spots at times, but all in all, it's a fairly evenly paced film. Gadot, owns this role, and I can't wait to see more of her as Wonder Woman. The film is highly entertaining, and while I am a one of the rare few who truly enjoyed Batman v Superman, Wonder Woman is by far, the best entry in the DCEU to date. Here's hoping they can keep the momentum going.
March 2020