Greetings internet dwellers! Well, we have our first house announcement for HHN XXVII! The words "damage control" have come up in my conversations this morning. If you have been following stuff the past few days, then you know that there may have been some major leakage to happen. While I will not comment on that leak here, full disclosure, this is the worst kept secret at HHN this year anyway. We all knew that American Horror Story would be returning. What is surprising, is how random this announcement is. Nevertheless, we have our first house of the season. The house will feature 3 seasons from the show (just like last year), which will be: Asylum, Coven, and Roanoke. Not much else in terms of detail were given. On the blog, Universal confirms that Mike Aiello, is also not showrunning the event this year. So, here we go, announcement season is officially upon us. You can watch the announcement video below. Greetings internet dwellers!
As HHN Legacy nears its redesign completion, I just wanted to take a moment to update on what has been done. Some of you, may have already noticed the new portal pages. Each portal, will take you to your desired destination of information. HHN Events, Icons & Hosts, Guides, and Games, now has everything listed on one page. Just click on the link you want, and it will take you to your desired information. I have been systematically going through every page, every line of code, every link, and every image, to try and fix anything that was broken. Text, has been changed as well. And the most obvious change, is the color palate of the new HHN Legacy. I have heard someone call us "the white site", which I find hysterical. While I still have some things to do, HHN Legacy's redesign, is nearly complete. I have also added a new information page. It's something that I've had some people ask for for a while. There is a new information page, dedicated to Carey, Ohio, the fictional HHN town that pops up throughout the event. I am positive that I have missed some things on there, as the Carey lore, has gotten a bit convoluted over the last few years. Still, it took me a while to gather the appropriate information. I am also finishing up another information page, which should be done within the next week or so. I may, have one or two, other surprises coming down the pipeline as well. I will keep you posted. That being said, everything I had set out to redesign, should be completed by the end of March. As we not only enter HHN reveal season, we also enter our anniversary. HHN Legacy, will be 5 years old in June. While we have had some ups and downs, I continue to thank those who support, and come along on this journey with me. Let's keep going! -Topher Piccolo |
July 2023