Greetings HHN fans! HHN Legacy here with some exciting news for players of Legendary Truth. Whether done by incessant nagging, or planned for the start, the powers that be behind the scenes have decided to inject Legendary Truth into this year's event. Earlier this evening, Legendary Truth released a new app called TEST (Tactical Evaluation of Spectrum Terrors), which appears to coincide with things that may happen in the park this week. Looks like the in park tasks are back folks (and Im not talking about taking selfies with Scare Actors. I'm looking at you Compound).
At this point in time, I'm not exactly sure how all of this is going to work, but I've added screenshots of the app. There appears to be some kind of meter in the app, which is interesting (it's called a Spectrum Response Gauge, or SRG). Perhaps we will be using this to find out what/who we may be looking for and doing, in terms of the game play (I'm thinking an EMF meter like paranormal investigators use). How this technology will work (or if it will have as many glitches as the RFID scanners), is yet to be seen of course. Looks like all the Houses and certain Scare Zones, will be associated in some way with each Legion too. Beyond this I have no idea what's coming this week, so if you plan to play, click HERE for Andoid users to download the app. It is available for iPhone as well, but I don't have that link. I'm told just search HHN 24 with a space. Happy playing all! Cerebin rules! Greetings HHN fans, HHN Legacy back again with a House ranking update. Yes, I am still here. Last week, I was quite busy. I mentioned that I had a family matter to attend to last week, and that took up a lot of my time. My Grandmother passed away and I was attending her funeral in Tampa last Wednesday and Thursday. I did get a chance to attend HHN on Friday, but my mind was elsewhere, and I didn't get a chance to update the ol' blog. And then I got sick late last week. Anyway, I know today is Thursday, but I figured I would update the House rankings anyway. Some stuff has drastically changed over the week. Yes, things may still change from today through next Friday, but I feel I owe an update. A few observations first. The streets have remained consistent. There has been a slight change in MASKerade: Unstitched, as there was an incident that occurred (at least, that is what I was told). Apparently, one of the stilt-walker dancers fell on a guest last week (or something to that effect). I'm not quite sure what happened, but fog has been removed from the Scare Zone. I have only seen Bill & Ted and Rocky Horror once this season. I like the Bill & Ted show, but I wasn't too overly impressed with it this year, and my desire to go back and see it is pretty small. The crowds. Boy, the crowds have been awful this year. It has been ridiculously packed, and they just keep getting worse. Last night was busy. Really busy. Halloween, AVP, and The Walking Dead, consistently have 75-120 minute waits all night. Everything else is pretty much a crap-shoot, averaging between 30-75 minute waits all night. From Dusk Till Dawn seems to be the odd man out, averaging the smallest wait time (at least when I'm there). Last night, I don't recall the House getting higher than 45 minutes. The Walking Dead, still had a posted wait time of 90 minutes at 1:45is as we were leaving last night. Bottom line, we are getting into the really busy part of the HHN season, so keep that in mind if you venture forth to the event. So without further blabbering, here is the current House rankings from the bottom up. Oh, I also lost track of the number of my House visits. Sorry, guys. HOUSE RANKINGS AS OF 10/17/14 8. DRACULA UNTOLD: REIGN OF BLOOD ![]()
2. GIGGLES & GORE INC. ![]()
1. HALLOWEEN ![]()
So that's it for this week. Until we meet next week HHN fans, scare you later.
July 2023