Greetings internet dwellers!
Well, finally, we have our next house announcement. Things have been a little wacky this year with announcements. Delays have caused things to shift a bit. Nevertheless, we move on. Depths of Fear, will take place in an underwater mining company. In their digging exploits, they have uncovered parasitic creatures. Some of the miners have been infected and not only that, but the mining facility has begun a self destruct sequence, which we now have to escape. The main creatures in here, will be called Mouthbrooders. These creatures expel flesh-eating acidic eggs, which infects the miners and drives them mad, in the process. It's a little bit The Abyss, a little bit Alien, and some Event Horizon thrown in for good measure. So that's four down. With the shifting announcement schedule, who knows when we will have another. And once again, no video for this announcement. I'm sensing a pattern with the original houses. Hasta La Bye-bye for now.
July 2023