Greetings internet dwellers!
Well, it's happening. If I had a nickel for every time I have heard people scream for Killer Klowns to come to Halloween Horror Nights, I would be and extremely wealthy man. Yes, the last two scare zones for the event have been announced. They are both IP based. You may either love these ideas, or hate these ideas. First off, Killer Klowns, may be a bitter pill to swallow for some not in the know. The key here, is going to be those who aren't interested or know about the film, to buy it as an original idea. I talked a little bit about this with Trick 'r Treat last year. On a personal level, I'm kind of indifferent to this. I don't hold the giddy fondness for the film that some people do. I've only seen it a handful of times, and I really just find it to be a bad film. Eh, it has some moments, but for the most part, it's just not my cup of tea. Perhaps it is time for me, to revisit the film with this now coming to the event. Then we have Revenge of Chucky. This is the IP where you will hear all the superfans, complain about having IP's at the event, after excitedly shouting their praises for Killer Klowns. The die-hards really don't take kindly to Chucky being at the event. They will use the he's overused excuse, even though we haven't seen Chucky properly represented since 2009. Sure, he was in the Die-In scare zone in 2015, However, that was such a minute ripple at the event, he was barely there. Killer Klowns, will have you dodging the Klowns, as they try and turn you into cotton candy. There is talk of a lot of smells here. Honestly, the description for this, seems really bland. Revenge of Chucky, will take place during a toy fair. The Chuckster, has possessed the other toys and they are out to get you. Of course, Chucky, wants to play too. So that does it for now. At this point in time, we get a break for a while in terms of the announcements. It's hard to believe, we are coming into July already. We still have 6 houses left to be announced. Good times. You can see the announcement video below. Greetings internet dwellers! We just keep rollin' with these announcements this year. The latest, is Slaughter Sinema, an homage to horror "B" movies and Grindhouse flicks. According to the blog, the house will feature everything from werewolf bikers, to alien cannibals, to a Swamp Yeti. Yes, a swamp Yeti. The blog also released a teaser video and a bunch of posters, to go along with some of the movies featured inside the house. I must say that this house, has had me impressed for quite a while. As I learned more and more details about it, I was more and more intrigued. This is a littler more high concept, than things that they have announced thus far. It's going to be interesting to see the reaction to those who aren't as into this type of thing. It's a little more tongue-in-cheek, and the content is a little more weirder than most. I for one, can't wait for this house. This is by far, the house I am looking forward to the most at HHN 28. Based off of what I already know (*wink). It should also be noted that the drive-in, is located in Carey, Ohio. If you would like to read up on the drive-in and more about Carey Ohio, please check out our Carey, Ohio information page. You can check out the video and posters below. Greetings internet dwellers!
So much stuff to get through today. First and foremost, take note at the change on the site today. The old school TV and VHS look is pretty sweet. The first and most important thing that happened today, is that tickets officially went on sale. You can head over to the site and purchase them now. The next piece of info that dropped, is the official confirmation of 10 houses. The next items up for bid, are 3 original scare zones. We have Vamp 85: New Year's Eve, Twisted Tradition, and The Harvest. Vamp '85, is an obvious sequel to the popular Vamp '55 from 2016. And it will take place during New Year's Eve. If I had to guess, this would be in New York. Twisted Tradition is a little interesting. They reveal in the description says that it will be in Central Park. It almost sounds as if it's Trick 'r Treat from last year, but warped. It sounds interesting, but also very much like a scare zone that would go into Central Park. The Harvest is no doubt, a blatant attempt to capture the success of Scarecrow: The Reaping last year. It even has "The Reaping" in the description. Perhaps we will see another barn raising somewhere in the Studios. Last up, Academy of Villains has been confirmed to return this year. If I had to guess, the team will get an upgrade into the Fear Factor building. With no Bill & Ted, they should get a slightly better place to perform. There is no description as to what the show will be, just that they are returning. And that's it. So much goodness happened today. And there will be more to come this month. Say tuned, all! |
July 2023