Greetings internet dwellers! This early?! Yes, this early. They hype train for the event, is THIS early. However, and original this early?! Yes, an original this early. I mean, why not? If their current plan for releasing stuff holds true, it makes sense to toss in some originals and other things to shake it up a little. Anyway, so Dead Exposure: Patient Zero is next up for bids. I know the original is a fan favorite. It also has the legacy bonus, of being tied into the first Legendary Truth game. However, I am not as enamored with the first as some. I thought it was an OK house, but not the greatest. This new version according to the blog, will drop us into Paris in 1982. We may collectively, want to get used to that decade at this year's event... Patrick Braillard, says to expect some of the same elements from the first house, in this one. So the darkness gag from the first, looks like it will live in this. The City of Lights has gone dark, and we are now being hunted by zombies. Yay. Anyway, so that's it for this announcement. Keep your eyes peeled. More stuff is on the horizon. Comments are closed.
July 2023