Greetings Horror Nights fans, it is that time. HHN XXIV has started and is now in full swing. Opening weekend for HHN, is always a tough thing to talk about. Generally, things are still being worked out, Scare Actor's are still finding their groove, and it's still a small work in progress. Don't get me wrong, the event is OPEN and it's not Employee Preview, but there are little things here and there that still may not be 100%. With that, there is also one other thing that usually hinders opening weekend: RAIN. We are in Florida folks, and while summer is winding down and the rainy season is coming to an end, it still rains. Sometimes a lot. It's become a tradition on Opening Night for it to rain, and rain it did. Most of the time here in Florida when it rains, it passes pretty quickly. We get a torrential downpour for a few minutes and it moves on. There are rare instances, which tend to show up this time of year, when the rain doesn't just go away. This year's Opening Night saw a steady stream of rain, virtually all night. It did briefly let-up for about an hour, but it was a very wet night. Normally, HHN doesn't bring out the Scare Actor's in the streets if it rains, but surprisingly they did on Friday. It wasn't whole casts mind you, and in instances like The Purge: Anarchy and MASKerade: Unstitched;, some things had to be left under cover. The motorcycles for example in The Purge: Anarchy, and the stilt-walkers in MASKerade, were absent. Still, it surprised me. Opening Night wasn't just wet, but busy- very busy. I've been to my share of HHN Opening Nights, and this was by far, the busiest I've ever experienced. A few Houses also didn't have very accurate wait times. For instance, AVP: Alien VS Predator had a posted time of 30 minutes, but we waited well over an hour before we entered. I don't use an Express Pass, but I have a limit if I'm going to wait in line, especially the first time I'm doing a House. If I like the House, I may wait longer for it later as the event goes on, but waiting nearly two-hours on Opening Night, I pretty much won't do. Still, we did two Houses on Opening Night: AVP: Alien VS Predator, and Giggles & Gore Inc.. We will talk more in detail about Houses in a minute, but the first impressions of the Houses this year are very good. Things will change and fluctuate as the event goes on, and I will keep a running ranking as I do the Houses over the course of the event, but for the most part, they are strong. I still have yet to experience The Walking Dead: End of the Line, or From Dusk Till Dawn, but if they continue the trend of the other Houses, then HHN XXIV is shaping up to be one strong year. They seem to be pushing things a little bit and taking some chances. Especially when it comes to content, which is a good thing. Everyone is of course shouting from the highest hills that Scare Zones are back. Are they? Yes, but only one so far really stands out. The others are kind of meh. I still have yet to see the sacrifice in Bayou of Blood, and I still haven't seen all the Face Off: In The Flesh characters either, so keep that in mind. Saturday was a much nicer day of course, and we spent a lot of time in the Scare Zones, and we did more Houses. So before I blabber on too much, let's get to the current rankings of the Houses and Scare Zones. It's entirely possible (and most likely), these rankings will change over the course of the event. Things change, casts change their approaches, things that don't work can work themselves out ETC... So I will keep a running commentary on all the rankings as we move forward in the event. A full, wrap-up review of the event, will come when it has ended. Overall, a great opening weekend for HHN XXIV! CURRENT HOUSE RANKINGS 6. DRACULA UNTOLD: REIGN OF BLOOD
As I said above, I still have yet to do From Dusk Till Dawn, and The Walking Dead: End of the Line. Check back over the course of the event, to see how and if, the House rankings change. CURRENT SCARE ZONE RANKINGS 4. BAYOU OF BLOOD
So that's it for now. I also have not yet seen Bill & Ted. I should be seeing it this coming Thursday. I also added some photos from this past weekend, and more will be coming as we go forth. You can view all the photos HERE I can't wait to see how the event shapes up over the coming weeks!
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July 2023